11 Sep Can my current Auditor still Audit my SMSF?
From the ATO SMSF News Alert 11 September 2013:
Can the intended auditor still audit your SMSF?
Each income year, a self-managed super fund (SMSF) trustee must appoint an independent approved SMSF auditor to perform a financial and compliance audit of their SMSF’s operations before they lodge their SMSF annual return.
Trustees should check with the auditor they intend to appoint to make sure they are registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and have been issued with an SMSF auditor number – even if they have appointed this auditor for previous years.
They must appoint their auditor no later than 45 days before the SMSF annual return is due for lodgment.
For more information, refer to http://www.ato.gov.au/Super/